Overlooked by history, one of the USA's first
serial killers becomes subject of this book
Order by mail, in one of two editions available. Both are identical, except for the title. SERIAL KILLER IN FORD COUNTY is the nationally available edition of the book. SERIAL KILLER IN GRAND HAVEN is only available in Ottawa County, Michigan, and bookstores in the city of Grand Haven. But, either can be ordered from Amazon! Click on the version you wish to buy below!
Watch an Interview with the Author
Kevin Collier interview about the book, during its original title "Final Doom" on the FOX-17 (Grand Rapids, Michigan) Morning Show August 6, 2012.
Hollman's Many Names
For the most part Friederich Wilhelm Hoellman went under the name of Frederick Hollman in America. The many aliases he used included: Fred Lange, William Holman, Fred Hollman, Fred Hartman, Fred Hoetman, Fred Hellman, William Hoellmann.
Hollman Poses On The Gallows
Above: May 13, 1897, one day before his execution. Pictured from left to right: Sheriff Benjamin Franklin Mason, Ira Gilmore (or possibly Laurence Campbell) and Frederick Hollman posing with his bible held in his hand. Hollman made an arrangement with the photographer to sell the picture to the general public and requested a portion of the sales go to the expense of shipping his remains back to Grand Haven, Michigan, to be buried beside his first wife and two children by her. Click on photo to enlarge. Below: the outside of the Ford County jailhouse, rear of building, as it appears today. In red the image (presented backwards) shows the exact location where Hollman stood when he had the above photo taken.
Two Faces in Hollman's Life

The Murder of Carrie Lenz
One of the saddest victim cases of the Hollman murder spree was that of Caroline (Carrie) Lenz, who was murdered in her Gilman, Illinois home on Thanksgiving Day 1896. Carrie's husband Albert had left their home for town to buy heating oil when the killing took place. The two young Lenz children, Charles and Florence, were in the home at the time of the murder. Hollman had stolen a gold watch owned by Carrie Lenz from the residence and showed it to others in the days after the tragedy, but authorities were unable to find the key piece of evidence connecting Hollman to the murder scene, thus he was not charged with or prosecuted on this death. The murder of Wiebke Geddes, committed on December 2 less than a week later, was chosen over the Lenz death as prosecution-worthy as the evidence was stronger and insured a conviction. This greatly upset the woman's father, Matthias Baumann, as well as her husband, Albert. The court assured the family if Hollman escaped a conviction on the Geddes case, they would prosecute Hollman for the murder of Carrie Lenz. Hollman was convicted in the Geddes death, and hanged on May 14, 1897 for that crime. The Lenz and Baumann families were left without justice, some say. However, in late August 1899, Carrie Lenz's stolen gold watch was found in the mattress of a bed Hollman had slept in while boarding at the Stuhmer farmhouse, where he was arrested on December 5, 1896. The recovered watch served as proof Hollman had indeed killed Carrie Lenz. The watch, today, is in a bank vault, and owned by the daughter-in-law of Florence Lenz-Schmid. Pictured: Carrie and Albert Lenz, 1894.
Last Direct Descendants Die in March 1981
There were two deaths in March of 1981 that quietly closed the direct descendant door to murderer Fred Hollman. It was the passing of Hollman's daughter Minnie, born on June 3, 1889, and the death of Florence Lenz (Schmid), born June 19, 1896, who was the daughter of murder victim Carrie Lenz. The two earned the distinction of being the longest living persons connected to Frederick Hollman. Florence was 6-months-old and at home when Hollman murdered her mother on Thanksgiving Day, 1896. Hollman abandon his second wife, Augusta, and children Minnie and Herman in January 1892. Minnie was 19-months-old when her father left home. Never saw him again. Minnie Hollman (Wilke) died on March 3, 1981 in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. Florence Lenz (Schmid) died on March 26, 1981 in Gillman, Illinois. Pictured: Minnie Hollman's headstone.
Read all-new entries in this re-release of the original book - including information on the killer's cousin, what the church had to say about Pastors not ministering to Hollman in jail, and much more!
New Findings in New Version of Original Book
Read all-new entries in this re-release of the original book - including information on the killer's cousin, what the church had to say about Pastors not ministering to Hollman in jail, and much more!
Is the Paxton Jailhouse Haunted?
WWMT 3 report investigates the Ford County jailhouse at Paxton, Illinois. Broadcast October 31, 2012.
CORRECTION: In the video when it speaks of Hollman's first wife Amelia, the photo that appears is not Amelia, but rather Hollman's second wife, Augusta Pauline Hollman. Augusta did not die in 188y in Grand Haven. Frederick Hollman married her in the city in 1888, then moved to Wisconsin with her. Augusta Pauline Hollman married Herman Boettcher after Frederick Hollman was hanged, and lived until 1945.
1897 Hollman Newspaper Clippings

The Old Ford County Jailhouse
Terry Garlock, of Will-O-Wisp Paranormal, sits inside Frederick Hollman's jail cell.
One idea is to renovate the jailhouse into a bed and breakfast.
"I think that would really be appealing for people – the intrigue, the mystery," Royce Baier, president of the Paxton Foundation told the News-Gazette newspaper in January 2011. "That's the appeal: Staying all night in a spooky, old jail and having the key to yourself. Of course you'd want to make sure you have the key."
In 2011 paranormal investigators visited the Ford County jailhouse several times and believe Hollman made good on his threats to come back to "haunt" those who sentenced him to hang.
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